
Abstracts of Justinianic law in the Σύνταγμα κατὰ στοιχεῖον of Matthew Blastares. – The Σύν­ταγμα κατὰ στοιχεῖον, redacted in 1334–1335 by the Greek hieromonk Matthaeus Blastares, was composed of secular and canon laws, arranged alphabetically. This article focuses on the previously uninvestigated presence of Justinianic law in the secular dispositions (νόμοι πολι­τικοί) of the Syntagma. The Syntagma, which was a nomokanon and a juridical encyclopedia, was translated and used in Serbia (14th century), Moldovia (15th century) and Georgia (17th century) to introduce into these countries juridical systems based on Justinianic law, more than 1000 years after the redaction of the Corpus Iuris Civilis. The question about which Byzantine juridical compilations have been used to redact this juridical work has not yet been answered and the article could help to shed light on this aspect through highlighting the work’s references to the Basilics, the Prochiron and the Eisagoge.

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