
Seven type l third order sequences have been recognized, in which the facies, facies associaticms, lowstand, transgressive, highstand and glacio-isostatic regressive systems tracts, and bounding and internai surfaces had been identified. These sequences correspond to fining- to coarsening-upward successions. The base ofthe cycles, which attain 50 to 180 m in thickness, are limited by an unconformity marked by striated bedrock, intraformatiorial striated surfaces and/or glaciotectonized basement. Each erosional surface, which is considered as representative of one advance of a grounded glacier, is overlain by a subglacial tillite. Higher up the glaciogenic section shows glaciterrestrial, glacimarine and marine deposits, controlled by the retreat ofthe glacier front. The shales are considered as depqsited during a post-glacial transgression, while the upper sandstones are interpreted as related to the glacio-isostatic rebound that followed the retreat of the ice margin.

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