
This study investigated the process of formation of hybrid organizations caused by corporate mergers and acquisitions, analyzing indus tries in Brazil in 2010. Empirical studies involving hybridity are still underdevelope d in research administration and among the causes mentioned in theory for the formation of hyb rid organizations are the processes of concentration and growth of industries and firms, n oting in Brazil more sharply in sectors like banking, technology and retail. We sought to identi fy and describe the behavior of industries through a classification by groups based on the typ es of operations performed and the origin of the capital involved in the transactions. Second ary data were subjected to cluster analysis, multivariate technique used in descriptiv e studies and determining the variables that define the clusters. It was concluded that the form ation of ybrids occurs heterogeneously within industries, wh ereas the similarity between them is given primarily by domestic capital and foreign com panies involved in domestic transactions

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