
With the COVID-19 pandemic, we were confined to the home environment as a measure to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In this context, the elderly, being from the risk group, went up to their homes and were often forced to abandon their daily activities, which are great allies in maintaining their autonomy and independence. However, social and physical isolation, especially among the elderly, is a serious public health concern and can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular, neurocognitive and mental health problems. In this context, the present study aims to promote the use of teleworkshops with the elderly, during the isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to investigate theimpacts generated by this tool in the routine of the elderly. A field study with a qualitative approach will be developed with 20 elderly people, both genders, who are fulfilling social isolation. Initially, online training will be conducted through videos recorded by researchers on how to participate in teleworkshops. These, in turn, will take place twice a week, for one months, always with the guidance of a researcher. Before the teleworkshops, there will be pre-test questionnaires and, after the post-test questionnaires, together with a geriatric depression scale containing 15 questions to assess the participants' cognitive development. Pre-test and post-test questionnaires will be prepared on the GoogleForms platform, with questions related to sociodemographic characteristics and teleworkshops, and will be made available online via WhatsApp. The data will be through SPSS software. Cognitive stimulation activities with characteristics of games and playfulness are objectives that have been used with the intention of seeking to maintain the elderly's abilities, in their cognitive health and socialization as factors that guarantee their quality of life. Thus, the present study aims to contribute to the promotion of the maintenance of mental and cognitive health of the elderly, which was granted due to a COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes / RJ.

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