
This article proposes to analyze the feasibility of using the Monte Carlo and Latin Hypercube methods to estimate Global Productivity in the process of installing electrical conductors of different diameters based on small samples. The study was conducted using data collected during the Construction and Assembly phase in two Industrial Plants, located in the cities of Três Lagoas-MS (Brazil) and HuachipaLima (Peru). Random samples were selected from information obtained directly from the construction and assembly teams of the construction company, with 10, 15, and 20 elements, respectively. These samples were processed through simulation using the @Risk6 software to assess the possibility of obtaining results similar to the field-collected data, both in Brazil and abroad. The results of the study demonstrate the feasibility of applying the simulation methods used in estimating productivity in conductor installation. This article presents a methodology that allows, through the development of probability curves, to support companies in decision-making regarding the studied process, with indices that may allow them to make adjustments to the project during, and not just at its conclusion.

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