
Oil palm plantations are the largest oil-producing plant and are included in the multipurpose plant category as a contributing economy and reducing the poverty. Oil palm age is one of the factors that support the growth and production process of oil palm. We used Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) to estimate the oil palm age. The aims in this study are to analyse the relationship between NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and oil palm age in variation of age by using logarithmic regression and to estimate the distribution of oil palm age. Methodology in this study are collecting of Landsat 8, preprocessing, making of Regions of Interest for each of oil palm age, making of relationship analysis between NDVI and oil palm age, and estimating the oil palm age. The study shows that NDVI have positive correlation which R2 = 0,66 and equation y = 0.0425 ln(x) + 0.723 means the higher NDVI value the higher the age. The result of this study show that the majority of age in the study area is 0-5 year.

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