
SummaryThe test for the degree of phosphorus (P) saturation (DPS) of soils is used in northwest Europe to estimate the potential of P loss from soil to water. It expresses the historic sorption of P by soil as a percentage of the soil's P sorption capacity (PSC), which is taken to be α (Alox + Feox), where Alox and Feox are the amounts of aluminium and iron extracted by a single extraction of oxalate. All quantities are measured as mmol kg soil−1, and a value of 0.5 is commonly used for the scaling factor α in this equation. Historic or previously sorbed P is taken to be the quantity of P extracted by oxalate (Pox) so that DPS = Pox/PSC.The relation between PSC and Alox, Feox and Pox was determined for 37 soil samples from Northern Ireland with relatively large clay and organic matter contents. Sorption of P, measured over 252 days, was strongly correlated with the amounts of Alox and Feox extracted, but there was also a negative correlation with Pox. When PSC was calculated as the sum of the measured sorption after 252 days and Pox, the multiple regression of PSC on Alox and Feox gave the equation PSC = 36.6 + 0.61 Alox+ 0.31 Feox with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.92. The regression intercept of 36.6 was significantly greater than zero. The 95% confidence limits for the regression coefficients of Alox and Feox did not overlap, indicating a significantly larger regression coefficient of P sorption on Alox than on Feox. When loss on ignition was employed as an additional variable in the multiple regression of PSC on Alox and Feox, it was positively correlated with PSC. Although the regression coefficient for loss on ignition was statistically significant (P < 0.001), the impact of this variable was small as its inclusion in the multiple regression increased R2 by only 0.028. Values of P sorption measured over 252 days were on average 2.75 (range 2.0–3.8) times greater than an overnight index of P sorption. Measures of DPS were less well correlated with water‐soluble P than either the Olsen or Morgan tests for P in soil.

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