
In this paper, we have estimated the present values of matter and dark energy density parameters $$\Omega _{m}$$ and $$\Omega _{\Lambda }$$ in the light of union 2.1 compilation. We have also estimated the present value of Hubble’s constant $$H_0$$ in the light of an updated sample of Hubble parameter measurements including 31 independent data points. We have found the present values of energy parameters to be $$(\Omega _{m})_0 = 0.296$$ , $$(\Omega _{\Lambda })_0 = 0.704$$ and that of Hubble’s constant as $$H_0 = 67.94$$ km/s/Mpc, which are in good agreement with recent astrophysical observations in latest surveys like WMAP, BOSS and Wiggle Z, BAO and specially those of latest Plank (Ade in Astron Astrophys 594:A14, 2016). Various physical parameters such as the matter and dark energy densities, the present age of the universe and the present value of deceleration parameter have been obtained in view of the estimated values of $$(\Omega _{m})_0$$ , $$(\Omega _{\Lambda })_0$$ and $$H_0$$ . We have observed that the acceleration would have started in the past at $$z_{c}=0.6818 \sim 7.2371\times 10^9$$ years before the present epoch. Some physical significances are also discussed.

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