
The estimate of the burned biomass starts from the computation of the FRP (Fire Radiative Power) that is the radiative power released by the fire. By integrating this quantity in the time it is possible to estimate the FRE (Fire Radiative Energy) and the burned biomass, if coefficients providing the burning efficiency of the vegetation interested by the fire are available. The FRP has been estimated by following three different approaches: the method proposed for the MODIS sensor, based on the eighth power of the brightness temperature of the fired pixel times a suitable coefficient; or by using the hypothesis that the fire size and its burning temperature can be computed by means of the Dozier approach and estimating the FRP by using the Stefan-Bolzmann relationship; or avoiding the computation of the brightness temperature of the fired pixel, by using the approach proposed by Wooster, in which the spatial resolution of the satellite image and the fired pixel emitted radiance are considered. Due to the high temporal frequency of the SEVIRI observations, the integration with the time of the FRP (computed every 15 min) can be carried out allowing to estimate the total energy released by the fire (FRE) and possibly the amount of burned biomass (BB). The paper aims at analyzing the suitability of this approach by focusing on the Sardinia region (Italy). The availability of the sizes of burned areas, provided by the Corpo Forestale e di Vigilanza Ambientale of the Sardinia region, allows to check the significance of the retrieved BB value.

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