
During investigation in cases of missing body parts or unknown identity, the expert is often required to opine about the personal identification of the body. Stature of a person is a useful indicator of physical identity. Stature estimation leads to a positive identification of the living or when only cephalo-facial are brought under examination. The current study dealt with developing regression equation for stature estimation from cephalo-facial dimensions and to find out the correlation among body height with each cephalo-facial dimensions of Gujarati people. This leads to positive identification of the living or cadaver. Eight cephalo-facial dimensions of 901 Gujarati (676 male and 225 female) namely maximum head length, maximum head breadth, bizygomatic breadth, bigonial diameter, morphological facial length, physiognomic facial length, and total cephalo-facial height and biocular breadth along with body height was measured. It was marked that the mean stature and cephalo-facial measurements of males were significantly higher than that of females. The correlation coefficient (r) of all cephalo-facial dimensions were less than 0.5 which means stature estimation from cephalo-facial dimensions is not reliable. Multiple regression equations are more reliable than linear regression equations.

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