
Background: Identification of an individual is the core element in forensic investigations. Accurateestimation of height is of paramount importance which has been carried out by several researchers by themeasurement of various long bones. However, foot measurement has not been frequently used for thispurpose, particularly in females of our region.Method: Present study was performed in the department of Forensic Medicine at Rama Medical College,Hospital and Research Institute, Kanpur. The material comprised of 88 young and healthy female medicalstudents of Rama medical College, Mandhana, Kanpur.Results and Conclusion: A statistically significant correlation was established between height and footlengths (Right and Left). The regression equation for height and foot length was also developed.The correlation between stature and foot measurements was found to be positive and statistically significant(p-value < 0.001). Linear regression models and multiple regression models were derived for estimation ofstature from the measurements of the foot. The results also indicated significant differences between left andright foot length measurements.The present study indicates that anthropometric measurements of foot are extremely valuable in theestimation of stature. This is a meaningful tool to estimate stature with greater accuracy.Conclusion: Prediction of stature was found to be most accurate by linear regression analysis. Present studyhas established definite correlation between stature and foot length. It will help in medico-legal cases;particularly in establishing identity of an individual when only a few body remains are available as in massdisasters, bomb explosions, accidents etc. This study will be of immense value for Doctors, Police and otherconcerned authorities, investigating these cases.

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