
In the present work, experimental values of several physical properties for hydrogen halides (including At) are used to obtain, by extrapolation, values of physical properties for tennessine (element 117, Ts) and tennessine hydride (TsH). Using experimental data of Cl, Br, I and At halides, two empirical equations are obtained, allowed us to calculate the ionic and covalent contribution to the bond energy, respectively: Eionic=[μ2h/d3]c210−12 and Ecovalent=[−22.78P+400.09]+ν(HX). Using both equations, as well some empirical trends in the Cl, Br, I and At halides, the values of some physical properties of Ts and TsH are estimated. The frequency energy of the TsH vibration, ν(TsH), value is calculated as 20.24kJmol−1. For the same bond: μ=0.24D; bond distance=196.76pm; bond energy=163.03kJmol−1. The polarizability and covalent radius for Ts are estimated as 11.31/10−24cm3 and 159.76pm, respectively.

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