
An experiment was carried out in one of Unheated greenhouses of the Department of Horticulture and Landscaping at the College of Agriculture-Diyala University during the fall season2021/2022 where the seeds were sown eight pure lines of Cherry tomato the entry is:(LA3002, LA2838A, LA0797, LA4355, LA7371, LA3534, LA3535, LA3530)With the aim of evaluating its field performance and estimating some of its genetic parameters, the following characteristics were studied: number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight (g), plant yield (g), total yield (Ton greenhouse −1), vitamin C, Lycopene and beta-carotene100gm −1. and the results showed that lines the pure ones differed significantly among themselves under the probability level of 0.05 and 0.01 in all studied traits, and outperforming the pure line LA2838A Significantly four characteristics: the number of fruits in the plant and vitamin C Lycopene and beta-carotene reached (365.666 fruits.plant−1, 0.326 mg .100 gm−1, 5.62 mg. gm−1 and 0.333 mg. gm−1), respectively. The genetic, environmental and phenotypic variance differed from zero significantly for all studied traits, and the genetic variance was greater than the environmental variance for all traits, and the values of heritability in the broad sense and the expected genetic improvement as a percentage of the average trait were high for all traits except for lycopene trait if it was average for both.

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