
The article focuses on the classification of the singing voices into their types: soprano, alto, tenor, bass. The assignment of a singing voice to a type is one of the procedures that can influence the further development of the voice. That classification is usually done by an expert experienced in the field of voice production. Improper voice classification can have a negative impact on vocal development and even its health. Experts classify a singers based on the features such a scale, timbre and power of voice. Choir singers are classified in a similar way, although, in this particular case, the most desirable parameters are scale of voice and stability of timbre. In this article we use parameters that are related to the voice quality: pitch, long term average spectrum, formants and noise components to develop the voice type classification process. It is assumed here that the voice type is, at the first, connected to the scale of voice. The scale is determined here by the analysis of the voice quality parameters. The common range in which values of the quality parameters fulfil the quality criterion for the singing tones indicate the scale of the voice. The examples show that these ranges may be the basis for the singer's voice classification to a specific type.

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