
This paper estimates seabed shear-velocity profiles and their uncertainties using interface-wave dispersion curves extracted from data generated by a shear source. The data were collected by 4C ocean bottom cable in a testing experiment of a shear source in the North Sea. The shear source generated a seismic signature over a frequency range between 2 and 60 Hz and was polarized in both in-line and cross-line orientation. Low-frequency Scholte- and Love-wave were recorded. Dispersion curves of the Scholte- and Love-wave for the fundamental mode and higher-order modes are extracted by different time-frequency analysis method. Both vertical (SV) and horizontal (SH) polarized shear-velocity profiles are estimated by Scholte- and Love-wave dispersion curves, respectively. Bayesian approach is used for the inversion. Differential evolution (DE) global search algorithm is applied to estimate the most-probable shear-velocity models. Marginal posterior probability profiles are computed by Metropolis-Hastings sampling. The estimated SV- and SH-velocity profiles are compared and the results provide possibility of studying seabed anisotropy. We thank Statoil ASA for permission to publish the data. The work is partly supported by NFR under Grant No. 186923/I30.

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