
This study assessed the Secchi depth (or transparency) and total dissolved solids (TDS) of some rivers and streams adjourning brick sites in eight selected Local Government Areas of Benue State (LGAs), Nigeria. The Secchi disk was used in evaluation of Secchi depth. The Cambo Waterproof Tester brand of HANNA digital instrument was used in taking on-site direct measurement of total dissolved solids (TDS). Assessments of both parameters were made for two years (2012 and 2013) at three sampling stations, viz: (a) point of burnt brick production (PBP), (b) downstream of the point of brick production (DBP) and (c) upstream of the point of brick production (UBP). Results showed that there were significant differences between the dry and wet season Secchi depth of all water bodies from all sampled Local Government Areas. During the dry season Secchi depth (or transparency) was lowest at the sampling points PBP followed by DBP, while UBP recorded the highest transparency values for water bodies at burnt brick sites. Total dissolved solids (TDS) followed the same pattern as for transparency. This implies that burnt bricks production lowers Secchi depth or water transparency. There is need to spare riparian buffer strips along rivers or streams adjourning burnt brick sites as this can trap some of the sediment containing eroded soil in running water during the rainy season. Devegetated burnt brick sited need to be afforested to check erosion and decrease sediment resulting from brick production activities.

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