
Radon concentrations in homes have been shown to vary considerably with season. It isimportant to account for this by applying a correction factor to any home radonmeasurement of less than one year. To date, Irish radon measurement services have usedcorrection factors based on data derived for the UK in the 1980s. In the absence of similardata for Ireland at the time, these were considered suitable for use due to the similaritiesbetween the climates, house types and lifestyles in the two countries. In order to betterestimate the long-term radon concentration, measurements from 5640 Irish homeswere used to derive a set of correction factors specifically for Ireland. These weregenerated by means of Fourier decomposition analysis and the new correction factorscompared, using 95% confidence intervals, to those derived for the UK using the sameanalysis and to those currently in use for Ireland. In both cases, a significantdifference was found between 10 of the 12 monthly seasonal correction factors.This paper presents the methods used in detail and the results of the analysis.

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