
Radon gas is the second cause of lung cancer and it is found naturally in rocks, soil ground and surface water. In this study, Radon gas concentration measurements were performed in (39) drinking water and (29) soil samples for Kirkuk City. It is found that the value of Radon (Rn) concentration in drinking water ranged from ( 0.07 -5.01 ) Bq /L with an average of ( 0.97 ) Bq/L. These results showed that Radon concentration in Kirkuk City drinking water are within the United State Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and World Health Organization(WHO) standards maximum contaminated level (MCL) of 11 Bq /L. The finding:- of this study refer that no risk from exposure to Radon gas in Kirkuk drinking water supply.From other hand, Radon in soil results showed that mean values was( 381.65± 189) Bq/m3,with maximum and minimum value 883and 87 Bq/m3 respectively. This results lied within the allowable standards adopted by International Commissions of Radon Protection(ICRP) which is (200-800) Bq/m3 . By comparing the results of present study with other local studies in different sites all over Iraq, it can be noticed that the finding of this study were greater than most of other studies results. That difference can be explained due to geological structure diversity of different governorate in Iraq, as Radon gas generated from soil and correlate strongly to soil structure and rock types.

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