
This study aimed to validate the Even & David-Hadar (2021) leadership style questionnaire for assessing head leadership in the context of Indian higher education. The three-factor structure (transformational, transactional, laissez-faire) was tested with data from 400 university teachers across science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences from both public and private institutions in Punjab.
 Purposive random sampling was employed in two separate studies (n=200 each). Study 1 utilized exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to reveal three dimensions explaining 65.46% of the variance, with good internal consistency (>0.80). Study 2 confirmed these findings through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), demonstrating moderate goodness of fit (CMIN/DF=2.114, GFI=0.89, TLI=0.92, CFI=0.93, RMSEA=0.074).
 These results support the validity and reliability of the adapted questionnaire for measuring leadership styles in Punjab higher education. This 15-item, three-dimensional scale can be valuable for addressing behavioral and management issues among university teachers.

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