
Evolve and resequence (E&R) experiments show promise in capturing real-time evolution at genome-wide scales, enabling the assessment of allele frequency changes SNPs in evolving populations and thus the estimation of population genetic parameters in the Wright-Fisher model (WF) that quantify the selection on SNPs. Currently, these analyses face two key difficulties: the numerous SNPs in E&R data and the frequent unreliability of estimates. Hence, a methodology for efficiently estimating WF parameters is needed to understand the evolutionary processes that shape genomes. We developed a novel method for estimating WF parameters (EMWER), by applying an expectation maximization algorithm to the Kolmogorov forward equation associated with the WF model diffusion approximation. EMWER was used to infer the effective population size, selection coefficients and dominance parameters from E&R data. Of the methods examined, EMWER was the most efficient method for selection strength estimation in multi-core computing environments, estimating both selection and dominance with accurate confidence intervals. We applied EMWER to E&R data from experimental Drosophila populations adapting to thermally fluctuating environments and found a common selection affecting allele frequency of many SNPs within the cosmopolitan In(3R)P inversion. Furthermore, this application indicated that many of beneficial alleles in this experiment are dominant. Our C++ implementation of 'EMWER' is available at https://github.com/kojikoji/EMWER. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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