
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is an important fiber crop and plays an important role in Pakistan's economy as a cash crop. Cotton crop is cultivated primarily for fiber. The main objective of all cotton breeders is the production of a new variety with high yield and fiber quality. The current experiment was be conducted in the research area of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Crosses were made of four varieties AGC-999, IR-3701, VH-37 and AS-01 by full Diallel mating design in the greenhouse during winter season. Evaluation of 12 crosses and 4 parental varieties were proceeded in the field during Kharif season of 2019 under RCBD (Randomized completely blocked Design) design with three replications. The data for agronomic characters and yield related traits as plant height, number of branches, number of bolls, number of nodes, seed cotton yield, ginning out turn, seed index and lint index was recorded. Mean data of seed cotton yield for all the genotypes indicated that the parent AS-01 provided the maximum yield (93.73 grams) among the parents while AGC-999 × IR-3701 had the maximum yield (82 grams) among the crosses. While VH-37, VH-37 × AS-01 and AS—01 × AGC-999 had the minimum value among parents and crosses respectively. These genotypes

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