
This paper presents results of a study on the spatial distribution and biomass of macrophytobentos in a fjord of Arctic Svalbard. Kongsfjord represents a periglacial environment with intense morphodynamic processes and rapidly progressing changes in the biotic environment, making it one of the most promising areas to research climate impact on ecosystems. The main objective was to provide an acoustic tool for the evaluation of benthic habitats. The 2007 field survey included systematic, co-registered, single-beam and multibeam echosounder measurements. Acoustic observations were verified by biological samplings and observations for the classification algorithm development and verification. Analyses of acoustic signals scattered on bottoms covered by algae indicate the good quality of the data recorded, providing a map of phytobenthos distribution and biomass estimation in Kongsfjord. The algorithms designed and tested for processing single- and multibeam data allow extracting the morphological forms of the bottom and determine the areas covered by algae. This survey was the first instance where a multibeam imager was used to map macrophytes in an Arctic environment, in a wide variety of depths and ranges. Comparing the two types of echosounders was a great opportunity to understand the visualisation of macrophytes by multibeam systems and their identification.

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