
Introduction: Pulmonary function test is a non-invasive test. It is measured by the spirometer and it gives an idea about the lung volume, lung capacities, rates of flow and gas exchange. Breathing exercise can increase lung function. The commonly performed breathing exercises are blowing bubbles, blow out whistle, pinwheels, Hoberman spheres etc. The aim of this study is to estimate lung function among healthy and blow out whistle beginners.
 Materials and methods: 60 Dental students consisting of 2 groups were involved in this study. Group 1: Control individuals (30). Group 2 individuals: blow out whistle beginners (30). Standardised RMS Helios spirometer was used. Age of 18-22, Healthy individuals and non-smokers were included in this study and smokers, alcoholic individuals, respiratory disorder individuals and post- COVID individuals were excluded from the study. Data was collected and analysed using paired ‘t’ tests. Significance is considered at P<0.05 level.
 Results: In this study FVC, FEV1, FEV3 were found to be significant and FEV1/FVC, FEF 25-75, PEFR were found to be insignificant. The post test values of FVC and FEV1 are comparatively higher than the pre test values. The pre test values of FEF 25-75 and FEV3 are comparatively higher than the post test values.
 Conclusion: When this blow out exercise is performed there was a significant difference between healthy individuals and blow out whistle beginners. Significant increase in lung function is found. This recreational activity increases lung function which can be a preventive for many pulmonary diseases.

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