
AbstractThe satellite‐constellation passive‐microwave Brightness Temperature (TB) observations, with global coverage, and more additions from upcoming CubeSats, have been mainly used in surface precipitation retrievals. However, these observations can also be used to indicate the intensity of convective systems. This study attempts to relate Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Microwave Imager (GMI) TBs to Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) lightning flashes by using 4 years (02/2018–04/2022) of GPM Precipitation Feature (PF) database. GMI TBs are collocated to the GLM lightning counts, and to the ERA5 reanalysis 2‐m air temperature in PFs. Three Artificial Intelligent Neural Network Models (AI‐NN) are trained to classify PFs producing lightning in a 20‐min window respectively for land, ocean, or coast. The flash rate of the determined Lightning producing PFs (LPFs) is then quantified by three other AI‐NNs, each trained for one of the three regions. Though the models clearly capture the global geographical distribution of LPFs with a Probability Of Detection over 90%, high False Alarm Rates are found, ranging from 49.9% over land to 91.5% over the ocean. The importance of TB at each passive microwave channel varies regionally, corresponding to the different microphysical properties in various types of precipitation systems. The global lightning distribution is derived by applying the AI models to global PFs and is well compared to the lightning climatology from Lightning Imaging Sensor and Optical Transient Detector. This suggests that the use of passive microwave TBs can help to fill the gaps in lightning monitoring thanks to their global coverage.

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