
Since hardly a report is available on estimation of length of calcaneum and talus from a fragment of them, a fresh study was made on a present day south Indian population. A total of 110 calcanei (55 right and 55 left), and 70 tali (35 right and 35 left), all unpaired, dry, and devoid of gross pathology, were used. Maximum anteroposterior length of the bone was measured in millimeter using an anthropometric board, and linear measurements of the other bony markers were measured in millimeter using a sliding caliper. Bony markers of calcaneum were maximum anteroposterior length, maximum transverse width, length, width and depth of groove on the sustentaculum tali, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus calcanei. Bony markers of talus were maximum anteroposterior length, maximum transverse width, length and width of articular surface for the lateral malleolus, length and width of articular surface for the medial malleolus, vertical width and transverse width of articular surface of the head, width and depth of groove for tendon of the flexor hallucis longus, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus tali. Simple regression suggested that maximum length of the calcaneum regressed significantly with maximum transverse width, length, width and depth of groove on the sustentaculum tali, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus calcanei and that maximum length of the talus regressed significantly with maximum transverse width, length and width of the lateral articular surface, length of the medial articular surface, vertical and transverse diameters of the head, and depth of the sulcus tali. Maximum length of calcaneum and talus is derived from the regression values, to predict the stature of the person from available stature equations in the literature.

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