
The One important rock mechanical property in geomechanical investigations is internal friction angle. In order to predict wellbore failure and construct a geomechanical earth model, friction angle is essential. It is usual to estimate the internal friction angle using core tests, but this approach requires more cores and is expensive. Instead, several empirical correlations were found to estimate the internal friction angle from logs data. The goal of this study was to determine the most accurate approach for estimating internal friction angle from log data and to demonstrate how clay volume and porosity influenced this estimate. This property is estimated using three different correlations built within Techlog 2015 software depend on neutron, density, and gamma ray logs data. The findings demonstrate that Weingarten and Perkins Weal correlation is used, especially when water production is actually occurring. The gamma ray technique does not accurately match the core data since it only employs the gamma ray log. With effective porosity and clay volume used as input data for the Plumb Clay Volume and Porosity correlation, the findings demonstrate an excellent match with the core data. The frictional angle exhibits minimal values in the Tanuma formation and at various depths as a result of a decrease in effective porosity and an increase in shale volume. The results showed that for determining frictional angle, the Plumb correlation approach was the most accurate.

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