
The author presents an algorithm-independent theory of statistical accuracy attainable in emission tomography (ET) that makes minimal assumptions about the underlying image. They model the tracer density as a probability density, f, on a bounded domain, D (i.e., f is the underlying image) and consider the problem of estimating the integral functional /spl Phi/(f)/spl equiv//spl int//spl phi/(x)f(x) dx, where /spl phi/ is a smooth function. Given n independent, identically-distributed observations distributed according to the Radon transform of f, Rf, the author constructs efficient, i.e., minimum-variance unbiased, estimators for /spl Phi/(f). Let L denote the set of lines through D and l/sub 1/,...,l/sub n//spl isin/L denote the observations in ET. The author shows there are many unbiased linear estimators of the form n/sup -1//spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n//spl psi/(l/sub i/), where /spl psi/ is a function on L. A necessary and sufficient for /spl psi/ to generate an unbiased linear estimator is that /spl psi/ backproject to /spl phi/ on D. The efficient estimator is generated by the /spl psi/ that minimizes /spl int/L/spl psi//sup 2/(/spl theta/,s)Rf(/spl theta/,s)dsd/spl theta/ while satisfying this unbiasedness constraint. The author represents the standard estimator based on filtered backprojection as the linear estimator generated by a function F/spl phi/ on L and show that the efficient estimator is generated by the projection of F/spl phi/ onto the orthogonal complement of the nullspace of the backprojection operator when these functions are viewed in a certain weighted Hilbert space. Numerical examples for functionals generated by Gaussian functions are presented. The results quantify the potential improvement attainable by incorporation of information on the domain of the image and the statistical uncertainty of the observations into the estimation process.

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