
Assessing evapotranspiration is a key issue for natural vegetation and crop survey. It is a very important step to achieve the soil water budget and for deriving drought awareness indices. It is also a basis for calculating soil-atmosphere Carbon flux. Hence, models of evapotranspiration, as part of land surface models, are assumed as key parts of hydrological and atmospheric general circulation models (Johnson et al., 1993). Under particular climate (represented by energy limiting evapotranspiration rate corresponding to potential evapotranspiration) and soil vegetation complex, evapotranspiration is controlled by soil moisture dynamics. Although radiative balance approaches are worth noting for evapotranspiration evaluation, according to Hofius (2008), the soil water balance seems the best method for determining evapotranspiration from land over limited periods of time. This chapter aims to discuss methods of computing and updating evapotranspiration rates using soil water balance representations. At large scale, Budyko (1974) proposed calculating annual evapotranspiration from data of meteorological stations using one single parameter w0 representing a critical soil water storage. Using a statistical description of the sequences of wet and dry days, Eagleson (1978 a) developed an average annual water balance equation in terms of 23 variables including soil, climate and vegetation parameters with the assumption of a homogeneous soilatmosphere column using Richards (1931) equation. On the other hand, the daily bucket with bottom hole model (BBH) proposed by Kobayashi et al. (2001) was introduced based on Manabe model (1969) involving one single layer bucket but including gravity drainage (leakage) as well as capillary rise. Vrugt et al. (2004) concluded that the daily Bucket model and the 3-D model (MODHMS) based on Richards equation have similar results. Also, Kalma & Boulet (1998) compared simulation results of the rainfall runoff hydrological model VIC which assumes a bucket representation including spatial variability of soil parameters to the one dimensional physically based model SiSPAT (Braud et al. , 1995). Using soil moisture profile data for calibration, they conclude that catchment’s scale wetness index for very dry and very wet periods are misrepresented by SiSPAT while captured by VIC. Analyzing VIC parameter identifiability using streamflow data, DeMaria et al. (2007) concluded that soil parameters sensitivity was more strongly dictated by climatic gradients than by changes in soil properties especially for dry environments. Also, studying the measurements of soil moisture of sandy soils under semi-arid conditions, Ceballos et al. (2002) outlined the dependence of soil moisture time series on intra annual rainfall

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