
The article presents the results of a long-term study of the features of the phytocenology of agrophytocenoses of oil radish using different methods for assessing their condition and studying the tactics of the plant vitality strategy. A comprehensive assessment was made of the effect of changes in row spacing, seeding rates and fertilizer rates on the formation of various plant morphotypes, the variability of morphological characters and the general characteristics of plant viability. Three idiotypes of the plant oil radish were identified in a vertical study of agrophytocenosis, on the basis of which a detailed analysis of the variability of each group and a statistical assessment of the reliability of its existence were carried out. The features of the morphological integration of each tier are analyzed and its impact on the formation of the overall field productivity is evaluated. Based on the modular and vitality grouping, the effectiveness and feasibility of combining various options for plant density and fertilizer in the range of 30-90 kg of active substance per 1 ha were evaluated. Conclusions are drawn about the desired model of agrophytocenosis of oil radish based on the characteristics of its vital tactics and the goals of its growing. Grouping was carried out according to a variety of morphological traits of plants in the population and the possibilities of applying the basic patterns of phytocenology in their application to radish oilseed plants were evaluated. Through the use of regression analysis, the influence of climatic conditions on the formation of various morphological types of plants and the nature of the relationship of plants of oil radish in cenoses of various densities against the background of various fertilizer options has been evaluated. The main promising areas for further research on the peculiarities of creating highly productive and highly adaptable agrophytocenoses of oil radish have been outlined.

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