
Pakistan is an agricultural Country having diverse types of soil and irrigation system. Punjab being the most productive province contributes 69% of total land area for agriculture. Faisalabad is one of the most productive regions of Punjab sharing 3985 hectares for cropland usage. Agriculture sector besides providing food and employment also provides a shelter for insect fauna. Lepidoptera, which includes butterflies, moths and skippers, is the second largest order of insects having more than 180 thousand species. Diversity of lepidopteran fauna is largely influenced by availability and type of floral diversity. These lepidopterans act as pest and pollinators at same time. During present study diversity, relative abundance, richness and temporal distribution of lepidopteran fauna (larvae + adult) was explored from four selected crops namely wheat, sugarcane, fodder and vegetables by using quadrat and sweep net and pitfall methods from May 2019 to April 2020. Specimens were collected and identified by using different identification keys at Department of Agri-Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Results showed that Noctuidae family was abundantly distributed (43.27%). Most abundant species was Pieris brassicae with 10.97% relative abundance. Quadrat method was proved to be good method for collection of lepidoptera with 76.79% relative abundance. Autumn season was found most favorable in regards for species distribution and abundance (43.98%). Significant results (p-value < 0.05) were found from all selected crops and seasons. Species richness (H’) was highest in fodder (2.6396) during autumn (2.73). Inshort, lepidoptera diversity, occurrence, richness and relative abundance depends upon cropland ecosystem and environmental conditions.

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