
The success of any food cold supply chain (FCSC) depends upon the degree of extent to which a range of sustainable temperature can be maintained which must be achieved in order to maintain the self-life, quality and potency of the food from production to end consumption stage. Fluctuation in permissible sustainable temperature range starts microbiological reactions in food products which results into loss of quality, taste and texture and finally into risk of food poisoning and food spoilage. The failure of cold chain increases the risk for human lives and environmental changes. Therefore, in order to reduce the food spoilage, energy consumption, global warming and maintaining the quality, taste and texture of food products, it becomes necessary to identify the key performance factors (KPF) of FCSC. This research work identifies the most critical key performance factors of FCSC and provides priority weights for these factors which represent interrelationship amongst the factors and thus helps the decision makers to take decisions so that the performance of the same can be improved. In order to achieve the desired objective of the research, fuzzy AHP approach has been used. The objective of the research is not only to prioritize the key performance factors but also to make aware about these factors and enable the decision makers to take decisions so that the performance of FCSC can be improved. Results of the research work reveal that the factors: climatic impact of FCSC, high volume of food waste and high amount of energy consumption are most critical and must be taken at first priority by the decision-makers while establishing the benchmark for performance improvement of FCSC.

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