
Diagnostic neutral beam (DNB) attenuation and charge exchangerecombination emission are estimated on EAST tokamak. Approximately40% of the beam with the energy of 50 keV can reach the plasma centre(r = 0) for the typical parameters of the Experimental AdvancedSuperconducting Tokamak (EAST) plasma. Emissivities of CVI (n = 8→7,529.0 nm) and OVIII (n = 10→9, 607.0 nm) visible chargeexchange recombination emissions based on the DNB are estimated. Theemissivities of the visible bremsstrahlung emission near thiswavelength are also calculated for comparison. The results show thatthe charge exchange recombination emission is about two orders ofmagnitude greater than the bremsstrahlung emission. It is theoreticallyindicated that the ratio of signal of charge exchange recombinationspectroscopy to the noise from background bremsstrahlung emission,S/N, is large enough in the EAST tokamak with the typical designedparameters. The present results are helpful for experiment design ofcharge-exchange recombination spectroscopy based on the DNB in the EASTtokamak.

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