
A study was conducted to estimate the biomass and soil carbon stock in various sites of Abies pindrow (Silver fir) - Picea smithiana (Spruce) and Betula utilis (Bhojpatra) forests of district Shimla, Himachal Pradesh during the year 2014-2015. In Fir-Spruce mixed forests, the amount of carbon stock at Larot site for above ground, below ground, under storey and litter was 287.39 tC/ha, 57.48 tC/ha, 2.22 tC/ha and 0.92 tC/ha respectively. Whereas, values of these components at Khirki site were 267.31 tC/ha, 53.46 tC/ha, 3.65 tC/ha and 0.85 tC/ha respectively. The biomass as well as the carbon stock was higher at Larot site than Khirki site. The soil organic carbon stock (tC/ha) at 10-15 cm, 15-30 cm and 30-45 cm was 27.05, 24.91 and 18.35 respectively at Larot site. Whereas, these values for different depths were 27.36 tC/ha, 22.02 tC/ha and 19.01 tC/ha respectively for Khirki site. The value of total soil carbon stock was little more (70.31 tC/ha) at Larot site than Khirki site (68.39 tC/ha). In case of Bhojpatra forests, the amount of carbon stock at Larot site for above ground, below ground, under storey and litter was 75.32 tC/ha, 18.83 tC/ha, 11.38 tC/ha and 1.57 tC/ha respectively. In Bhojpatra forests, understorey i.e. biomass of shrubs and herbs contribute about 11.63% to the total biomass in the forest. The soil organic carbon stock (tC/ha) at 10-15 cm, 15-30 cm and 30-45 cm was 19.54, 15.43 and 11.88 respectively for this site. The soil organic carbon stock decreased with increasing the soil depth.

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