
African swine fever (ASF) is a devastating disease affecting the global swine industry. Recently, it has spread to many countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean, leaving severe damage to local, regional, national, and global economies. Due to its highly complex molecular characteristics and pathogenesis, the development of a successful vaccine has been an unmet challenge. Therefore, ASF control relies solely on biosecurity, rapid detection, and elimination. Epidemiological information obtained from natural ASF outbreaks is critical for designing and implementing ASF control measures. Basic reproduction number (R0), an epidemiological metric used to describe the contagiousness or transmissibility of infectious agents, is an important epidemiological tool. In this study, we have calculated R0 for the in-farm spread of ASF among fattening pigs and sows in two midsize commercial pig farms, HY1 and HY2, that practice the spot removal approach in controlling ASF outbreaks in Vietnam. The R0 values for the sows and fattening pigs were 1.78 (1.35–2.35) and 4.76 (4.18–5.38) for HY1 and 1.55 (1.08–2.18) and 3.8 (3.33–4.28) for HY2. This is the first study to evaluate the transmission potential of ASF in midsize commercial pig farms in Vietnam. Based on the R0 values, we predict that the spot removal approach could be used to successfully control ASF outbreaks in midsize commercial sow barns but not in fattening pens.

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