
Aquifer characterization such as hydraulic conductivity (K) is necessary due to groundwater sustainability for agriculture industry. The current method for calculating K is to conduct a pumping test or a permeability test. This study is trying to find an alternative method to obtain a K value by determining the correlation between water and aquifer resistivity which is conducted in the laboratory and field scale. The aquifer resistivity is gathered from Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and the water resistivity from direct measurement. The correlation can perform the Kozeny–Carman equation, which is modified from Archie and Waxman–Smits formulas, to estimate the hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic conductivity estimation is compared with the hydraulic conductivity value from the permeability and pumping test solutions. The measurement result showed 12.63 m/day, which was similar to the permeability test with 10.3 m/day. However, the field result revealed 14.07 m/day, while the pumping test indicated 24.5 m/day. An analysis has been conducted with the fact that geological condition, grain size, and water resistivity have a significant contribution to the result. Nevertheless, the outcome of the ERT profile can be an alternative method to get an estimation of K that is more efficient, yet not offensive.

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