
Implementation of anisotropy value in seismic data processing greatly affect seismic cross section image. In addition to enhanced seismic imagery, anisotropy can be used for identification of hydrocarbons. In this study, the vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) anisotropy parameter estimation by the VVO method has been done. The magnitude of the velocity value of the offset/angle is due to the ever-greater velocity with a large incidence angle being the basis of the VVO method to demonstrate the anisotropy effect. The residual moveout result of the time transfer correction caused by the velocity increase will be used as input data. Validity of the VVO method is tested using a synthetic forward modelling to obtain anisotropy parameters that describe the subsurface conditions of the target area which are then applied to the actual data. The results found that residual values continued to increase due to the anisotropy effect and there after the angle of 30 degrees with the value of ɛ = 0.14 and δ = 0.049.

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