
Forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Understanding numerous ecological processes, such as nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration, necessitates the estimation of forest biomass. This study was conducted primarily to estimate the above-ground biomass of Shorea spp (Dipterocarpaceae) using an allometric model in the Forest Management Unit Mandailing Natal, North Sumatera-Indonesia. To estimate tree biomass in forests, allometric regression models are frequently utilized. These are mathematical functions that link a tree’s dry mass to one or more tree dimensions, like height, diameter, and wood density. The results showed that the average above-ground biomass of Shorea spp was 726.42 kg/tree. Intsia bijuga, with average biomass of 269.83 kg/tree, contributed to the smallest biomass. While the largest contribution to the amount of biomass is Shorea platyclados, with average biomass of 1564 kg/tree. and for carbon storage of 735,2761 kg/tree.

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