
It is known that the breeding process is in a great need for fast methods, working on minimal weights of experimental material and revealing the qualitative potential of the varieties. For this purpose, in order to get rid of unpromising numbers, the laboratory assessments widely use a sedimentation analysis, this type of analysis being the main one at the primary stages of breeding and when estimating winter wheat in the pre-harvesting period. The purpose of the current study was to identify the most valuable genotypes in seed plots by sedimentation analysis to optimize the breeding process of winter bread wheat for grain quality. The sedimentation index was estimated by the method using a 2% surfactant (SAS) solution of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 9.4% lactic acid. Gluten content and its quality, volumetric bread yield and falling number were assessed according to generally accepted methods. For the most accurate interpretation of the study results there has been used a one-way analysis of variance. The range of variation of the sedimentation index in the seed plot of CVT was 35–57 ml (2017); 50–83 ml (2018); 56–84 ml (2019); in KP-1 it was 44–95 ml (there were analyzed 945 samples); in KP-2 it was 50–94 ml (there were analyzed 100 samples). Inthe studied seed plot of CVT, which was laid fallow, 25 of 36 variety samples were very strong in quality; 7 ones were strong; 4 ones were medium; there were not identified any satisfactory and weak samples. As for the seed plot KP-2, 88 of 100 were very strong, 11 ones were strong and only one sample was average in quality. In the seed plot KP-1 480 of 945 were very strong (51%); 440 samples were strong (46%), and only 3% (25 pieces) were average in quality; there were not identified any satisfactory and weak samples.


  • It is known that the breeding process is in a great need for fast methods, working on minimal weights of experimental material and revealing the qualitative potential of the varieties

  • In order to get rid of unpromising numbers, the laboratory assessments widely use a sedimentation analysis, this type of analysis being the main one at the primary stages of breeding and when estimating winter wheat in the pre-harvesting period

  • The sedimentation index was estimated by the method using a 2% surfactant (SAS) solution of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 9.4% lactic acid

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Что в селекционном процессе имеется большая потребность в методах быстрых, работающих на минимальных навесках экспериментального материала и раскрывающих качественный потенциал сортообразцов. Что в селекционном процессе имеется потребность в методах быстрых, работающих на минимальных навесках экспериментального материала и раскрывающих качественный потенциал сортообразцов; для этого в практике лабораторных оценок, чтобы освободиться от неперспективных номеров, прибегают вначале к седиментации, а в первичных звеньях селекции и при оценках озимой пшеницы в предуборочный период этот вид анализа может являться основным (Пономарева и Пономарев, 2019; Копусь и др, 2010). Показатель SDS (додецилсульфат натрия) – седиментации коррелирует с силой муки (r = 0,59**–0,72**, rg =Ц0,е7л4ь**н) аисстоОяВщХе(гrо=и0с,7сл4е**д;оrgва=н0и,5я9–**в).ыявить наиболее ценные генотипы методом седиментационного анализа для оптимизации селекции озимой мягкой пшеницы на качество зерна. Что основное влияние на качество зерна оказывают погодные условия именно в период его формирования и налива; для озимой мягкой пшеницы – это первая, вторая декады июня и первая декада июля. 4. Показатель SDS-седиментации зерна сортов озимой мягкой пшеницы в питомнике конкурсного сортоиспытания.

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