
Prior information is used to improve imaging results obtained using the finite-element contrast source inversion ( FEM-CSI ) of a microwave tomography (MWT) dataset collected as part of a forearm imaging study. The data consist of field measurements taken inside a prototype MWT system that uses simple dipole antennas and a saltwater matching medium. Initial images of the 2-D cross-sectional dielectric profile of the individuals' arms are reconstructed using FEM-CSI. These initial “blind” imaging results show that the image quality is dependent on the thickness of the arm's peripheral adipose tissue layer: Thicker layers of adipose tissue lead to poorer overall image quality. The poor image quality for arms with high levels of adipose tissue is not improved by changing the matching fluid's complex dielectric constant. Introducing prior information into the FEM-CSI algorithm in the form of an inhomogeneous background consisting of an adipose layer surrounding a muscle region provides substantial improvement of the image quality: The internal anatomical features of the arm are resolved for each of the five datasets. Two methods are employed to estimate the arm periphery and adipose layer thickness from the blind imaging results: manual estimation and a novel image segmentation algorithm based on global optimization using simulated annealing.

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