
The present work aims to estimate the length and width of the seeds, through the analysis of digital images and to validate the methodology through statistical data. To estimate the length and width of seeds via image analysis, 50 M.maripa seeds were used. The seeds were arranged in a decreasing way from 1 to 25 diagonally, on a matte black fabric, on a phenotyping platform, with a Sony Hd Avchd progressive digital Gps camera, coupled at a height of 50 cm. The images were captured by the camera in automatic mode, without flash, automatic ISO speed, in an RGB system and with a size above 2Mb. Soon after the seeds passed the traditional evaluation method with the aid of a digital caliper, measured in terms of length and width. The images were analyzed with the ImageJ software. Statistical analyzes were performed with the aid of the Sigmaplot program. The results of the length and width of the seeds of Inajá seen by the caliper and digital image via camera, were very distant, showing high dispersion and low correlation r = 0.4037 and R² = 0.1629 for length and r = 0.2985 and R² = 0.0891, showing that the Compared data had little similarity. The error between both the methodology was considered low: 3,81063 and 3,769 for the variables of seed length and width. The method of analysis by digital image and caliper for estimating the length and width of Maximiliana maripa seeds showed a low correlation between the two methodologies. The use of image analysis to estimate the length and width of M. maripa seeds is not indicated.

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