
A total equivalent temperature difference (TETD) and cooling load temperature difference (CLTD) methods are developed in the excel spread sheets using Visual Basic Programming for calculating the cooling load for a building. The spread sheets are developed to eradicate the human error and time consuming task of manual calculations. TETD and CLTD methods programmed in spread sheets are easiest and fastest way to estimate the cooling loads as compared to that of the commercially available software’s. The TETD method estimates the peak value of the cooling load and CLTD is used to estimate the cooling load on an hourly basis. Cooling loads estimated using TETD method and CLTD method are validated against CARRIER software HAPv4.9. However, there is a marginal difference in the obtained cooling load values of the spread sheets and HAPv4.9. For selecting the air conditioning equipment for a building, the accurate cooling load calculations are required. For peak cooling load, the solar peak time at a given location is required. The present work deals with the analysis of Solar Peak Time for Indian Sub-Continent, by varying the solar time and geographical directions. The variation patterns as a result of heat gains due to occupants, equipment and lighting in the building are analysed on hourly basis using the CLTD method. Similarly, the variation patterns of cooling load due to variation in outdoor dry bulb temperature and relative humidity are obtained for different cities across India by considering the same room psychometric conditions, internal loads and maximum solar peak time. The TETD method always over predicts the estimated cooling load.

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