
In a smooth dynamical system the characteristics of a given reference trajectory can be determined, to lowest order, by examining the linearised system about the reference trajectory. In other words, we can approximate the deviations of trajectories after a given time, with starting points in a neighbourhood of the reference trajectory, by multiplying the initial deviations by the corresponding fundamental matrix solution.This form of analysis cannot be used directly in nonsmooth systems as the vector field is either not everywhere differentiable or the flow function is not continuous. To account for this, one can derive the zero-time discontinuity mapping (ZDM) associated with the discontinuity boundary. The Jacobian of this mapping is known as the saltation matrix and its properties can tell us how the crossing of the discontinuity boundary affects the deviations of trajectories from a reference trajectory. In particular, this matrix can be composed with the fundamental matrix solutions of the individual flows on either side of the discontinuity boundary in order to determine the overall fundamental matrix solution of a trajectory that crosses the boundary.In this paper we derive a saltation matrix for a piecewise-smooth dynamical system in which the position of the discontinuity boundary oscillates according to a mean-reverting stochastic process. The derived saltation matrix contains the entire effect of both the discontinuity and the uncertainty introduced into the system by the noisy boundary, and is composable with the deterministic fundamental matrix solutions of the individual flows to give the overall fundamental matrix solution of a crossing trajectory.We also present some simple examples of piecewise-smooth systems with stochastically varying boundaries, analysed using the derived noisy saltation matrix. In particular we focus on the analysis of a discontinuous variant of the Chua circuit. In this case we apply noise to the system’s discontinuity boundaries which are generated by the piecewise-linear nature of the voltage–current response of the Chua diode. We find that our method allows us to analyse the effects of boundary noise on periodic attractors close to bifurcation points. In particular we show that we can use the method to accurately predict the noise amplitudes required to destroy or merge periodic attractors.

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