
The Hawkes process models have been recently become a popular tool for modeling and analysis of neural spike train data. Despite this popularity, existing methodological and theoretical work has mainly focused on models without assumption of time-varying covariates, such as stimulus drive. In this article, motivated by neuronal spike trains study in the presence of stimuli, we propose a new Hawkes process model, where covariates are included in the intensity function. We consider the problem of simultaneous variable selection and estimation for the Hawkes process in the high-dimensional regime. Estimation of the intensity function of the high-dimensional point process is considered within a nonparametric framework, applying B-splines and the SCAD penalty for matters of sparsity. We apply the Doob-Kolmogorov inequality to establish the consistency of the resulting estimators. Finally, we illustrate the performance of our proposal through simulation and demonstrate its utility by applying it to the neuron spike train data set.

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