
Abstract. Many practical hydrological, meteorological, and agricultural management problems require estimates of soil moisture with an areal footprint equivalent to field scale, integrated over the entire root zone. The cosmic-ray neutron probe is a promising instrument to provide field-scale areal coverage, but these observations are shallow and require depth-scaling in order to be considered representative of the entire root zone. A study to identify appropriate depth-scaling techniques was conducted at a grazing pasture site in central Saskatchewan, Canada over a 2-year period. Area-averaged soil moisture was assessed using a cosmic-ray neutron probe. Root zone soil moisture was measured at 21 locations within the 500 m × 500 m study area, using a down-hole neutron probe. The cosmic-ray neutron probe was found to provide accurate estimates of field-scale surface soil moisture, but measurements represented less than 40 % of the seasonal change in root zone storage due to its shallow measurement depth. The root zone estimation methods evaluated were: (a) the coupling of the cosmic-ray neutron probe with a time-stable neutron probe monitoring location, (b) coupling the cosmic-ray neutron probe with a representative landscape unit monitoring approach, and (c) convolution of the cosmic-ray neutron probe measurements with the exponential filter. The time stability method provided the best estimate of root zone soil moisture (RMSE = 0.005 cm3 cm−3), followed by the exponential filter (RMSE = 0.014 cm3 cm−3). The landscape unit approach, which required no calibration, had a negative bias but estimated the cumulative change in storage reasonably. The feasibility of applying these methods to field sites without existing instrumentation is discussed. Based upon its observed performance and its minimal data requirements, it is concluded that the exponential filter method has the most potential for estimating root zone soil moisture from cosmic-ray neutron probe data.


  • Root zone soil moisture stored in roughly the top metre of the unsaturated zone is an important regulator of both the hydrological and energy cycle

  • We extend the depth of the field-scale cosmicray neutron probe measurements by coupling them with an estimate of the deeper root zone soil moisture that has been determined by two main approaches: upscaling point measurements, and modelling

  • 3.1 Near-surface soil moisture measured by the cosmic-ray neutron probe

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Root zone soil moisture stored in roughly the top metre of the unsaturated zone is an important regulator of both the hydrological and energy cycle. It places an important control on evapotranspiration in water-limited environments, and influences the partitioning of latent and sensible heat, having a marked effect on the near-surface state of the atmosphere. Soil moisture is a state variable in the water balance equations of many hydrological, meteorological, and agricultural models; accurate observations of root zone soil moisture over large spatial extents are indispensable for model validation (Grayson and Western, 1998), and for run-time assimilation (e.g. Brocca et al, 2010a). The cosmic-ray neutron probe uniquely fills the measurement scale gap between remote sensing techniques and point-scale observing methods, pro-

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