
Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas, tend to be underestimated by standard methods of quantifi cation provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [IPCC, 2006], recent research suggests. Better quantification of agricultural N2O emissions improves greenhouse gas inventories, allows for better evaluation of the environmental impacts of different cropping systems, and increases the understanding of the nitrogen (N) cycle in general. Proper quantifi cation of N2O emissions is particularly important in the context of calculating net greenhouse gas emissions from biofuel cropping systems because these emissions offset the greenhouse gas benefits of displacing fossil fuel and can even lead to biofuel systems being a net greenhouse gas source [Crutzen et al., 2008].The global warming potential of N2O is approximately 300 times that of carbon dioxide, and N2O emissions represent approximately 6% of the global anthropogenic greenhouse gas source [IPCC, 2007]. N2O also contributes to stratospheric ozone destruction. N2O is produced in soils through the microbial processes of nitrifi cation and denitrification. Soil water content, temperature, texture, and carbon availability infl uence N2O emissions, but the strongest correlate is usually N inputs to the system, especially at large scales [Stehfest and Bouwman, 2006]. In addition to direct emissions, N inputs to agricultural soils also contribute to N2O emissions indirectly [IPCC, 2006] when nitrate that has leached or run off from soil is converted to N2O via aquatic denitrifi cation and when volatilized non‐N2O N‐oxides and ammonia are redeposited on soils and converted to N2O.

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