
Rare earth element (REE) containing neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnets play a major role in green technologies, including motor and generator applications. Recycling of REE from NdFeB magnets is expected to be beneficial from an environmental point of view compared to the production of magnets using primary REE currently practiced. This study gives a broad overview of global recycling potentials from end-of-life magnets from eleven different application groups and industrial scrap, quantified through dynamic material flow analysis. Data was obtained through a review of the literature, complemented by expert estimations. Recycling potentials achievable for REEs used in NdFeB magnets, namely neodymium (Nd), praseodymium (Pr), terbium (Tb) and dysprosium (Dy), were calculated for years 2020–2030, derived from two demand scenarios to reflect uncertainties in historic NdFeB demand figures and future demand development, taking into account the recent success in heavy REE reduction efforts. The most important NdFeB application groups in terms of recycling potentials are identified. The modelled scenarios show that between 18 and 22 percent of global light REE (Nd and Pr) and 20–23 percent of heavy (Dy and Tb) REE demand for use in NdFeB magnet production can be met by supply from secondary sources from end-of-life magnets and industrial scrap in years 2020, 25 and 30 (ranges of values for individual years and scenarios).

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