
Estimates of force generation or shortening obtained from smooth muscle tissues are valid for individual cells only if each cell is contracting homogeneously and if cells anatomically arranged in series are mechanically coupled. These two assumptions were tested and shown to be valid for the pig carotid media under certain conditions. Homogeneity of cellular responses in carotid strips was estimated from the motion of markers on the tissue during K+ -induced isometric contractions. When tissues were stretched to L0 (the optimum length for force generation), there was little marker movement on stimulation. However, considerable marker movement was observed on stimulation at shorter muscle lengths, reflecting localized shortening or stretching. The mechanical coupling of the very small cells in the media was determined by measuring the dependence of cell length on tissue length. Tissues were fixed with glutaraldehyde during isometric contractions at various tissue lengths (0.4--1.1 x L0). The fixed tissues were macerated with acid and the lengths of the dispersed cells were measured. Cell lengths were broadly distributed at all muscle lengths. However, the direct proportionality between mean cell length and muscle length (as a fraction of L0) indicated that cells which are anatomically in series are coupled force-transmitting structures. We conclude that valid estimates of cellular mechanical function in this preparation can be obtained from tissue measurements at lengths greater than about 0.9L0.

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