
In Taiwania plantations of the Liukuei Experimental Forest managed by the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, 2 stands aged 20 and 27yr were selected to estimate the biomass and carbon storage in the ecosystem. According to the allometric equation established by data of 38 harvested trees, the biomass of each component and the total biomass of the trees were highly significantly related to dbh. In addition, the biomass of these 2 stands can bees timated with a set of common equations. The estimated Taiwania biomass was 155 and 169 ton ha^(-1) for the 20- and 27-yr-old stands, respectively, and the major bio mass was in the boles. Biomass of the under- story vegetation was only 3.2-4.8 ton ha^(-1) and primarily accumulated in the ground coverage. Biomass in the litter layer was 6.1-10.2 ton ha'. In the whole stand, 55-62% of carbon storage was in the soil and 36-41% in trees. In soils, 44-50% of the carbon was stored at 0-15-cmdepth and in the trees 80% was in the boles. Compared with tropical plantations, the carbon storage of Taiwania trees is slightly lower, but the storage in soils is similar.

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