
There is much interest in predicting future carbon-soil degradation and that occurring today. We have National Soil Survey Laboratory data to assess some of the soil carbon degradation in the Great Basin and western Utah. For this we included data on 32 Nevada and Utah soils on Pleistocene geomorphic surfaces at elevations of 973 to 3172 m. Their mean annual precipitation (MAP) ranges from 20 to 55 cm and mean annual soil temperatures (MAST) from 5 to 12 °C. The MAP and MAST closely correlate with elevation (E) ( r = 0.96 and − 0.97 respectively). Mountain big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle) dominates vegetation at the higher, colder elevations. Wyoming big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle and Young) and juniper ( Juniperus L.) dominate at intermediate elevations. Little sagebrush ( Artemisia arbuscula Nutt.) and related desert species dominate at the lower, warmer elevations. We used acid dichromate digestion and FeSO 4 titration to analyze for soil organic carbon (SOC) and bulk density and coarse fragments in the soils to put the data on a volume basis. The soils are well drained and uncultivated. Accumulation of organic carbon in each pedon (OCp) is correlated to MAP and MAST ( r = 0.81, and − 0.78 respectively). We predicted OCp from the relationship, (1) OCp = − 0.942 + 2.546 ⁎ ( MAP / MAST ) , r 2 = 0.64, S.E. = 1.30, n = 32. The soil OC degradation that may have occurred through the Holocene ranges from 35% at sites of the present Aridisols and Vertisols to 22% for the sites of the Mollisols and Alfisols. Eq. (1) shows that today, MAST rises of 1 to 3 °C would produce further OCp degradation from today's levels of 1% to 13% in Aridisols and Vertisols and 12% to 25% in the Mollisols and Alfisols respectively. It also shows that if the MAST drop of 6 °C predicted for the Pleistocene occurred, many of the Aridisols and Vertisols likely would have been Mollisols or Alfisols during the Pleistocene. A temperature rise of 1 °C in a century would likely move the Mollisol–Aridisol boundary from its present 2300 m elevation to an elevation of about 2900 m. A temperature rise of 3 °C in a century would likely move the Mollisol–Aridisol boundary from its present 2300 m elevation to elevations of the highest elevations in Nevada and to the middle of Idaho. Increasing the temperature by 3 °C will likely also increase the area affected by severe desertification in the southern Great Basin north by about 20%.

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