
The presence of multicollinearity and outliers are classical problems of data within the linear regression framework. We are going to present a proposal of a new method which can be a potential candidate for robust ridge regression as well as a robust detection of multicollinearity. This proposal arises as a logical combination of principles used in the ridge regression and the Bisquare weighted function. The technique of the Least Median of Squares (LMS) is used for the sake of overcoming the resulting regression problems. This paper investigates the non-resistance of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) to multicollinearity and outliers and proposes the utilization of robust regression for instance, Least Median Squares LMS to detect non-normality of residuals, the use of robust methods yields more reliable trend estimations and outlier detection. LMS is introduced as a robust regression technique and through medical application its effect on regression is discussed. The numerical example and simulation study shows that the outcome of the Weighted Ridge Least Median Squares (WRLMS) is better than other estimators in terms of its efficiency. This has been done by utilizing both Standard Error (SE) and the Root Mean Squared Error criterion for the numerical example and simulation study, respectively as far as a lot of combinations of error distribution and degree of multicollinearity are concerned.

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